Guys! It... is... coming! Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?!?! This guy was on soooo many of my squads for Japan. His special is absolutely bonkers, he fits on cerebral, powerhouse, STR.... and frankly... ANY TEAM when there are orbs that suck. That's right, I'd rock him ALL the time just to get those orbs and orb boost and he'd be a no damage character (same as using Usopp right?) Ps. his combo is 7 so he takes out high armor dudes really well too!!
So, he's STR, but don't worry, there's a stage with zombies in the lower corners. You can stall on those with a non-boosted unit as they will NEVER attack. Just stall... that's it... you win! The fastest team I believe is a double Thatch which can still get wrecked on RND orbs. But activate your first one before entering the stage and then activate your second Thatch (must be max 10 turns).
I know I've been super busy so my contributions haven't been as steady as usual. I've seen you guys step up and this is awesome! It hasn't gone unnoticed. I promise to try and get you guys at least a video first thing Kuma release morning. Don't think I can do written as I'm just slammed with stuff to do, but we'll fix this soon and I'm really happy with how you guys are stepping up as a community! Keep it up and let's farm this Kuma! Seriously... he's worth it!