One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki
One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki

General Info[]

Breed's Sea Animal Circus Banner
Quest Boss Difficulty Conditions Notable Captures/Drops
Breed's Sea Animal Circus! Empty Seats







Great Flame Commandment Flame Emperor Manual

Keep Out Manual

Doppelman Manual

Keel Crusher Manual

Octopus Tentacle Blow Manual

Flame Mirror Manual

Dugong Kung Fu Fist of Healing Manual

Big Chop Manual

Breed's Sea Animal Circus! Cheering


Breed's Sea Animal Circus! Packed

Only Fighter and Powerhouse characters can be used.
Breed's Sea Animal Circus! Full

Only Fighter and Powerhouse characters can be used.


  • 1 Rainbow Gem will be received upon full clear of all difficulties.
  • Limited-Time Event.
  • All difficulties get a chance to drop Manuals and Characters.
  • The higher the difficulty level, the higher the chance you'll have of getting one of the manuals listed above.
  • Kung Fu Dogong Sea Animal Pirates, Breed, & Sea Lapahn Sea Animal Pirates have low rate on Rookie, Kung Fu Dugong has low rate on Expert.
  • Breed can drop twice in a single run. Once on 6 and again on 7
  • SW Ace books only drop from stage 7 Breed
  • Secret Stage will randomly appear and has a 100% drop rate. The higher the difficulty the more likely he will appear. He has the highest chances of appearing on 30 stamina.

Drop rates[]

  • Do you want to know what are the precise drop chances of a poster or manual? Now you can see them here (for Elite and Expert). Also, please help refine that data by sharing the results of your drops through this form.

How to Beat Breed's Sea Animal Circus[]


General Information[]

There are some great manuals and characters for this fortnight. The Kung Fu Dugong Sea Animal Pirates is a descent lead if you lack a G3 and need the burst damage for Ranking Challenges. Additionally, Breed Pet-Pet Fruit User is a fantastic unit for rainbow teams, specifically Sengoku teams! So you'll want to farm this FN!

Breed can be a bit tricky depending on your units. G3 and Log Luffy teams will find this fortnight a breeze. You'll face Breed, Octopus Boxer, Sea Lapahn Sea Animal Pirates, and Kung Fu Dugong Sea Animal Pirates. While this can seem like a rainbow team, you actually are better off just focusing on mostly PSY units to take out Breed on stage 7. Most of the units are low health (below 50,000 hp) or are vulnerable to delays like on stage 6. Therefore, stage 7 is a rush to deal as much damage to Breed before his 3 turn cooldown massive attack and summoning of minions on turn 4. So focus on Garp the Fist, Petty Officer Coby, and Mr. 2 Bon Clay Bombardier Arabesque as great F2P units with really low cooldowns to burst Breed if you're having issues!

Recommended Captains[]

NOTE: Don't bring Rayleigh as stage 7 will limit your combo chain.

Recommended Support Units[]

Recommended Sockets[]

Level 2 anti-bind is recommended if you cannot one-shot the secret boss Octopus Boxer Sea Animal Pirates. He's not too hard, but will lock your units so it comes in handy if you miss any attacks.

Recommended Teams[]

G3 team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0217 F0306F0263F0462F0709 F0217 Thousand Sunny thumb
  • This team has a lot of
    alternates you can bring.

PSY team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0910 F0306F0643F0314F0756 F0306 Thousand Sunny thumb
  • This team can finish Breed on 2 rounds
    Make use of Blueno, Chopper and Squard
    Special when you have 3 matching orbs effect.
    Can be bad orb also since Chopper Captain skills
    make it matching.

Powerhouse team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0754 F0306F0251F0758F0756 F0748 Thousand Sunny thumb
  • This team can power through but
    might be safer to stall for Blueno's
    special in case you need to tank a hit
    from Breed or you need to heal.

30 Stamina Walkthrough[]


Darn you animal tamer! That 80% can be rough, especially for 2x HP team attempting to push through this FN. Instead, try and focus on teams with high damage and push Breed out before his 3 turn cooldown attack!

Stage Strategy Enemy Info
1 Breed - 1 Grunts and Evolvers

Take out the units and move on. Even with a G3 team, you can actually take out this room in one turn by starting with your PSY units!
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern
Grunts -


2 Breed - 2 Grunts and Evolvers

Take out the grunts move on. Stall on evolvers if needed!
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


Baby Turtles


5 hp

hit for 2,648

3 Breed - 3 Kung Fu Dugong Faithful Apprentice and Evolvers

Take out the units and stall without taking a hit where possible.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Kung Fu Dugong Faithful Apprentice

Daimyo Turtle

25,000 hp

7 hp

1-4 turn cooldown.

4 Breed - 4 Grunts and Evolvers

Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit where possible.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


Daimyo Turtle

20,000 hp

7 hp

1-2 turn cooldown.

5 Breed - 5 Sea Lapahn Sea Animal Pirates

Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit where possible.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Sea Lapahn Sea Animal Pirates

~50,000 hp

They start with a 1-3 turn cooldown. Never seen all 4 but have seen 3 on a one turn CD.

They attack for 3,800 and attack every two turns thereafter.

6 Breed - 6 Kung Fu Dugong Sea Animal Pirates and Breed

The Dugong can be quite tanky and will hit fairly hard and consistantly every round. Take him out first before focusing on Breed. Try and save your specials and just take them out with regular hits and a single turn delayer if needed.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Kung Fu Dugong Sea Animal Pirates


255,000 hp

250,000 hp



7 Breed - 7 Breed Pet-Pet Fruit User

Uh-oh, the man has put the collar on himself to increase his strength! That combo limiter neuters Rayleigh teams and a 70% preemptive health cut takes out high health teams. Other than that, he's a piece of cake with only a 3 turn cooldown. You'll have time to heal along the way and use a damage reducer if needed.

The preemptive round changes your orbs to RCV, [TND], and [BLOCK]. Use specials to change them if you can. Otherwise wait a round and activate all specials to take him out. Burst units such as Attack and Orb Boosters work best here!

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Breed Pet-Pet Fruit User

920,000 hp

Preemptive) Turns all orbs to RCV, [TND], or [BLOCK]. He limits your combo chain to 2.0 for 5 turns, and then cuts your HP by 70%.

Turn 1) Nothing

Turn 2) Nothing

Turn 3) Attacks for 8,000 damage

Turn 4) and onwards Summon 4 Sea Lapins, then repeats turns 1-3

Under <50% hp, Breed berserks (Removes delays and attacks every turn) then boosts own attack to 12,000 damage.

Secret Stage Breed - Sec Octopus Boxer Sea Animal Pirates

A lock for two turns can be really annoying, try and take him out with regular hits if possible.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Octopus Boxer Sea Animal Pirates

400,000 hp

Starts with a 1-3 turn cooldown.

Attacks every two turns for 5,104 damage.

Team Builder Helper[]

Block Manipulators

Powerhouse Characters with Time Delay

Fighter Characters with Time Delay

PSY units who are Fighters

PSY units who are Powerhouse

PSY units who are Powerhouse AND Fighter
