One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki
One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki

Characters with Slot Change can change the state of a character, or team's slots. This includes character who randomize slots as those that change slots to specific colors.

It is not to be confused with:

  • Characters who change only their specific slot to specific color with Self-Slot Change. These characters are also a member of Slot Change.
  • Characters who swap the location of orbs with Slot Swap but don't change the color of any orbs. These characters are NOT members of Slot Change.
  • Characters who manipulate [BLANK] slots specifically with Blank Slot Manipulator. They are members of Slot Change as well.
  • Characters who manipulate [BLOCK] slots specifically with Block Slot Manipulator. They are members of Slot Change as well.
  • Character who change other unit's slots to match that unit are considered Favorable Slot Change. They are members of Slot Change as well.

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