One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki
One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki

General Info[]

Cyborg Franky
Quest Boss Difficulty Conditions Notable Captures/Drops
Bro!! Gentleman




Wavy Square Hair Manual

Straight Square Manual

Usopp Hammer Manual

Quick draw manual

Lip-O-Cannon Manual

Conqueror’s Haki Manual


Bro!! Average Guy

Bro!! Pervert

INT Characters Only
Bro!! Super Pervert

INT Characters Only

Drop rates[]

  • Do you want to know what are the precise drop chances of a poster or manual? Now you can see them here (for Elite and Expert). Also, please help refine that data by sharing the results of your drops through this form.


  • 1 Rainbow Gem will be received upon full clear in the Expert mode.
  • Limited-Time Event.
  • All difficulties get a chance to drop Kiwi's, Mozu's, Choo's, Usopp's, Shanks', Tashigi's and Vista's Manuals.
  • The higher the difficulty level, the higher the chance you'll have of getting one of the manuals listed above or encountering the secret stage.

Tips on How to Beat Cyborg Franky Pervert's Aesthetic[]


General Information[]

This FortNight was released as a part of a 5 series batch of FortNights that introduced character restrictions to OPTC. The 15 and 30 stamina restricted units to INT only units which sometimes meant beginners at the game didn't have a cohesive team. Well don't forget you can bring Evolvers like Crabs and Lobsters and you should be fine. The stage is easy once you learn how to handle Franky.

At lower levels, this level can be incredibly challenging. There will be a turning point where this level very quickly goes from incredibly difficult to incredibly easy. Franky has an extremely high defense. The way defense works in this game is it will reduce your attack to a very small number until you reach the tipping point where all extra damage is actually applied to the enemy character.

It is recommended you have at least two characters above 1,000 damage -- preferably both INT. You should follow and attack boost/defense lowering strategy or farm for Foxy and use his Time Delay to help stall during a despair round.

Recommended Captains[]

  • Flower Sword Vista: The rock solid lead for the stage. His 2x health makes the level easy but watch despair. If you don't have anti-despair sockets you'll lose the health.
  • Nami Happiness Punch or Ice Witch Whitey Bay: Try and mix these captains as there's no need to have two Towel Namis.
  • Red Flag X Drake: If you're going to stall for specials, just watch the final two stages due to preemptive strikes.
  • Sir Crocodile Warlord of the Sea: Slasher lead, but there's not much rainbow need for this stage. His damage reduction helps as well.

Recommended Support Units[]

There is one character who will also make this level incredibly simple.

Cabin Boy Helmeppo can reduce all character's defense to 0. This will ensure all damage your characters deal, are actually felt by the opponent.
  • To supplement your 0 defense round, add Orb changers and attack boosters to your team.
  • Basil Hawkins the Magician: Not as useful as Foxy with his Time Delay, but will work to lower stage 10 Franky's defense if you don't have Helmeppo or Foxy. On the plus side, he has the attack power needed as a hard hitting unit outside of the special considerations.
  • Buggy Pirate Apprentice: Not a fantastic unit by himself, however he's easy to socket for anti-despair and will give you one INT orb at a minimum to put on your heavy hitter.
  • Tony Tony Chopper Lil’ Vampire: He's completely optional, but a good solution to the despair rounds if you don't want to wait through the debuff.
  • The Silver Fox Foxy: He's a great Time Delay unit and halves enemies defense. Great for stage 10.

Recommended Sockets[]

Bring along a level 1 anti-despair if you can. Nami, Croc, and Buggy units tend to be the easiest to socket and it will help your stage 10 battle against Franky. Obviously, if you have Helmeppo and Robin or an orb boost you'll probably be able to one-shot Franky so it won't be necessary at all.

Recommended Teams[]

Slasher INT Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0408 F0034F0255F0265F0204 F0408 Coffin Boat
  • All characters picked for stats.
    Can be replaced with any units
    that deal damage for you.
  • Replace an INT unit with The Silver Fox Foxy
    if you need more stall time.

Mixed INT Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0221 F0408F0414F0210F0204 F0255 Merry
  • Team mixes power with health.
    If you can clear too easily, switch
    to double towel or whitey bay.

30 Stamina Walkthrough[]

Most Mid to High-level teams should be able to clear this level without an issue.

Stage Strategy Enemy Info
1 Pervert Franky - 1 Grunts

Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit.

You can't really stall on the nun as she'll have only 1 hp

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern
Nun 1hp

Has an initial cooldown of 13 turns and attacks for 6hp.

2 Pervert Franky - 2 Grunts

Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




3 Pervert Franky - 3 Grunts + Yellow Daimyo Turtle

Take out the grunts and stall on the evolvers without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


Yellow Daimyo Turtle



4 Pervert Franky - 4 Grunts + Yellow Robber Penguin

Take out the grunts and stall on the evolvers without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


Yellow Robber Penguin



5 Pervert Franky - 5 Grunts

Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




6 Pervert Franky - 6 Grunts

Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




7 Pervert Franky - 7 Grunts + Sea Horse

Take out the grunts and stall on the evolvers without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


Sea Horse



8 Pervert Franky - 8 Grunts + Evolvers

Take out the grunts and stall on the evolvers without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




9 Pervert Franky - 9 Franky

Don't get confused and think this is the final stage. This version of Franky isn't very hard. Just hit him without specials until he falls.

If you find your health has fallen below 1,809, you'll want to hunt for meat orbs before proceeding as there will be a preemptive strike on the next level.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


200,000 hp

Attacks preemptively for 4,088 damage.

He then attacks every two turns.

10 Pervert Franky - 9 Dismantler Franky

Will the real Franky please stand up? This Franky can be a bit harder if you don't have anti-despair sockets. Your goals should be to one-shot him and it isn't hard. You'll just need Helmeppo and two 1,000+ units with a booster (Robin or Orb Booster). Since there were so many evolver rounds and this is a 10 stage FortNight, you should have had plenty of time to stall. Activate your specials and take him out.

You can also use your Towel Nami here or any other orb manipulators to work your orbs to INT.

If you fail, you'll want to activate your Time Delay character while you are despaired.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Dismantler Franky

290,000 hp + 19,500 Defense points.

Performs a preemptive attack for 1,809 damage. Also changes all orbs to PSY, Blank, or TND.

After two turns, despairs captain and hits for 5,980 damage

Alternate Boss 1 No Image Dismantler Franky + Kiwi + Mozu

This version will show up with his two assistants. Don't fret, they're actually a bit weaker than when Franky appears by himself. This stage is a GREAT reason why you bring Helmeppo and Sir Croc. Activate Helmeppo and then Sir Croc's special and you will probably take out the two assistants without having to touch them.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Dismantler Franky


Performs a preemptive attack for 1,809 damage. Also changes all orbs to PSY, Blank, or TND.

Secret Stage Pervert Franky - Secret Kiwi + Mozu

These two aren't too difficult. Just attack them without using specials until they fall.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern



125,000 hp

125,000 hp


Team Builder Helper[]

INT Characters who Change Orbs

INT Characters who Boost Attack

INT Characters who Reduce Defense

INT Characters who Boost Orb Damage
