One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki
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You are able to access this quest through the Extra Isle. This a special quest where, at the cost of 0 stamina, you can test your crew and obtain the special Ship Kuja Pirates Ship.

In this quest you won't obtain any reward from the enemies.

Forest of Training announcement
Quest Boss Stamina Battles Difficulty Conditions Notable Captures/Drops
Forest of Training: Snake
No Continue


  • 1 Rainbow Gem is received upon first clear.
  • Kuja Pirates Ship is granted as a reward upon first clear.
  • No character or manual drops.

Tips on How to Beat Forest of Training: Snake[]

The Forest of Training:Snake level is one of the most challenging levels in the game. You can't "buy" your way through it with gems -- as there are no continues.


Recommended Captains[]

Coming soon.

Socket Recommendation[]

Auto-heal sockets are good for forests, as there are few stalling opportunities.

Enemy numbers and attack patterns[]

Coming soon. For now, see reddit guide, Note that stage 8 (Kamas) Candy upon attack will despair your captain for 8 turns, so - don't stall on her. Stage 9 (Nami and Robin): both may start at CD 1. Both will put a damage reduction shield if under <50%; Nami throws up a 1 turn all color full reduction, and Robin, a 99 turn 50% (?) reduction.

Walkthroughs for Forest of Training: Snake[]

Coming soon.



  • Sabo, Brook, Mihawk, Duval, Sabo again, GPU, Rocketman ship Video starts with stage 10. For stage 8 (Kamas) you may use take Candy out with Rocketman and use your health cutters here as well if the enemies CD are staggered (or just to speed things up). For stage 9 (Nami+Robin), recommend using GPU here, take out Nami first. Stage 10+ follow the video.

Double Lucy Team

  • Lucy, Lucy, Blucci, X-Drake (Coli), Godsup, Lucy(dex), Ship: Moby Dick (MAX). Pretty straight forward. Kill each stage and don't get hit. Stall with Godsup/GPU when facing mobs. End stage use Lucy(dex) special and Lucy captain special and K'O. Easy.