One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki

Kami Eneru Ascent to the Endless Vearth

The self-appointed "Kami" of Skypiea. Using the Ark Maxim and his Devil Fruit powers, he can make enormous spherical thunderclouds. The residents of Skypiea fell into utter despair after witnessing "Kingdom Come," a thundercloud with the power to completely annihilate their island.


No. 2232
Type QCK
Class Shooter
Class 2 Striker


Max Lv. 99
Cost 65
EXP to Max 5.000.000
Sockets 5

(before LB)

HP 3029
ATK 1539
RCV 432

(before LB)

Special: Kingdom Come

Click to see characters with matching specials

Deals 25x the amount of HP healed beyond crew's maximum HP in non-type damage to all enemies (up to 5,000,000 damage)


Level Turn
1 21
MAX - 6 16

Manual Location

Captain Ability: Heaven-Rending Divine Power

Cuts crew's HP by 20%, but reduces damage taken by 13%, boosts chance of landing on [RCV] slots, makes crew's [RCV] slots have matching slot effects, and boosts crew's ATK by at least 2x (up to 3.75x) depending on the amount of HP healed in the previous turn

Sailor Ability:


Support Ability:


Switch Effect:
For dual units only


Rumble Stats
Rumble Special: N/A
Rumble Ability: N/A
Rumble Resistance: N/A
Rumble Speed: N/A
Rumble Defence: N/A
Limit Break Upgrades
3379 1689 482 5 (-2)
Post-LB Captain Ability: N/A
Post-LB Sailor Ability 1:
  • Makes crew's [RCV] slots have matching slot effects
  • Adds an additional 300 HP when obtaining a [RCV] slot
Post-LB Sailor Ability 2: N/A
Post-LB Potential Ability 1:
  • STR Damage Reduction
  • Slot Bind Reduction
  • RCV Bind Resistance
Post-LB Potential Ability 2: N/A
Post-LB Potential Ability 3: N/A
Post-LB Key Captain Ability: N/A
Post-LB Key Sailor Ability: N/A
Post-LB Key Potential Ability: N/A




Evolve arrow sm
Evolve arrow sm
Azure Crystal Skull Kami Eneru
Azure Crystal Skull Kami Eneru
Azure Crystal Skull Kami Eneru
Azure Crystal Skull Kami Eneru
Azure Crystal Skull Kami Eneru

How to Obtain

Only through Super-Evolution and on the Kami Sugo-Fest events 7th 10+1 pull, from Jan. 8 after maintenance to Jan. 14 18:59 in 2019.

This character entry on official Bandai OPTC page (en)/(jp) Some links may be broken due to en and jp having different numbers for some characters

This character entry in OPTC-DB

Sample teams using this character as a captain: Nakama Network list


Summary (as of September'19): Tier rank: 5/5 (God-level). Super Evolution took a good unit and made it into a BEAST.

  • Captain ability: Good (4/5). 2x-3.75x ATK boost is solid, since it is quite easy to ensure 3.75x for most turns, and Eneru is also a solid healer with a lot of meat orbs appearing on his teams, making him one of the strongest regenerator captains.
  • Special: Above-average (3.5/5). Easy 2m board wipe would be great - if his SE 5m didn't outclass him by 150% :)
  • Limit Break Average (3/5). Reduce No Healing duration potential at the end of the chain can be very useful in niche cases, and his SA boosting RCV by +300 fits him well too.

Detailed review and other notes

  • After getting his SE in early 2019, Eneru became a top-tier unit and is unlikely to lose his spot for a long time. He can reliably nuke most enemies, and a double Eneru team with 10m double tap can clear 99% of the game content (and there are always health cuts if needed).
    • To avoid being blocked by barriers it is a good option to use v1 Legend Law
    • No healing debuff hurts him a lot, but it can be bypassed by either healing before it hits, or bringing units with LB that 'Reduce No Healing' duration. Eneru himself at max LB will reduce no healing debuff by 10 turns (2 Eneru's by 20), and some of his favorite healing charging subs help to reduce it even more, so unless the event is anti-Eneru with a 100+ turns anti-healing debuff from stage one, you should be able to clear it.
  • While his end of turn healing is a bit RNG, you'll often end up healing between ~5k-10k each turn, making him one of the top end of turn healers (other contenders here are Legend Shirahoshi and Legend Robin).
  • The amount of damage by his Special from healing beyond your Max HP is cumulative, so it starts adding up as soon as you start overhealing. The excess healing is counted from the last time the special is used and accumulates when you heal more than your maximum HP. For example, if you are at max HP, and you heal 1,000 HP, you will add 10k damage to the special.
  • The damage reduction from his captain ability helps to over-heal, making it easier to reach a high dmg output for his special.
  • One of the few units where it can be considered worth it to socket RCV UP powers. The other recommended sockets are Bind/Despair, Dmg-Reduction and of course AH.
  • A complete upgrade of his 6 star form, there's no reason not to super-evolve him.

Team building

  • rainbow captain, enjoy total freedom :>
  • through keep in mind Eneru teams will want to heal a lot, so consider a lot of subs with strong healing powers (so, Legend Marco, Legend Shirahoshi, Legend Corazon, RR Mansherry Tontatta Princess...).
    • Legend Marco is now often replaced by Warco, since Shirahoshi can take care of the big heal, and Warco provides a 30% health cut before 10m hit, an extra 20k heal, plus a guaranteed meat orb every turn.
  • A perfect sub to avoid special bind and provide the right utility is Shirahoshi You're My Valentine
  • v1 Legend Law allows him to take down enemies with barriers or damage reduction abilities. LRR Doflamingo also deserves a note.

Farmable socket locations

Other guides:

  • Reddit guide:

