One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki
One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki

Sky Knight Ganfor Banner
Quest Boss Difficulty Conditions Notable Captures/Drops
Sky Knight Ganfor: Idle




Raging Greatsword Manual

60,000,000 Volt Jamboule Manual

Big Eater Manual

White Thorn Deathmatch Manual

Extra Special Candelabra Manual

Spike-U-Puncture Manual

10,000 Kill-O-Guillotine Manual

Angel’s Healing Harp Manual

Sky Knight Ganfor: Working

Weaken Type: Greatly lowers Striker characters' stats.
Sky Knight Ganfor: Busy

Weaken Type: Greatly lowers Strikers and Shooters stats.
Sky Knight Ganfor: Overworked

Lowers stats for all Classes other than Free Spirit, Boosters and Evolvers.


  • 1 Rainbow Gem will be received upon full clear of all difficulty levels.
  • Limited-Time Event.
  • All difficulties get a chance to drop the manual or secret boss.
  • The higher the difficulty level, the higher the chance you'll have of getting one of the manual or secret boss to appear.
  • The secret boss on this level will heal and then leave but you will still get a poster drop from her.

Drop rates[]

  • Do you want to know what are the precise drop chances of a poster or manual? Now you can see them here (for Elite and Expert). Also, please help refine that data by sharing the results of your drops through this form.

How to Beat Sky Knight Ganfor[]


General Information[]

Team Building can seem intimidating for a Free Spirit only unit restriction. However, those with G3, Log Luffy, Sengoku, or Rayleigh will find immediate relief in being able to bring a rainbow team of Free Spirit units. There is additionally the trick with double classes. If a unit is BOTH a Free Spirit as well as another class like Striker, Slasher, or Driven their stats are not reduced as long as one of their classes is Free Spirit. There are currently several Free Spirit units who are also Strikers, so building a striker-based team with units who are also Free Spirit works well if you lack a great Free Spirit lead.

Ganfor seems like he can be tricky. Right before his stage is the tanky Pierre who halves your health and takes a beating. After him, is Ganfor who is surrounded by guards so you have to take units down quickly or you'll take too much damage. While this can be tricky depending on your units, there are definitely easy solutions for these including stalling Ganfal (Usopp Usopp Golden Pound), wide area attacks to take out the mobs (Thousand Sunny), or healing after Pierre (Emporio Ivankov Revolutionary Army or Humming Swordsman Brook). If you lack strong hitting units, you're going to want to look at Alvida who can buy you 3 more turns with her massive damage reduction special that can be looped with Usopp and healers. There are other options, but these are the main tricks and will turn a difficult 30 stamina into something that is more manageable or smooth-sailing depending on your levels. You'll want 2-3 hard hitters as Pierre is quite high on defense.

Recommended Captains[]

  • Aokiji Ice Man: While he boosts strikers, there are quite a few Striker units that are Free Spirit that can help him. When working with 2x ATK boosts, Aokiji's extra health comes in far more handy than Calgara's faster special charge time.
  • Calgara Great Shandia Warrior: There are some tanky units in this fortnight and it is really hard to blow through their armor with only a 2x attack captain. His Cooldown Reduction isn't significant so bring a stronger friend captain if you can.
  • Emporio Ivankov Revolutionary Army: The best standard 2.5 attack captain for the stage. She/He is great for boosting Free Spirit units. Even though she doesn't get a striker boost, it is more advantageous to bring her for her special as a friend captain when charging in with an Aokiji team using Strikers/Free Spirit units.
  • Franky Straw Hat Pirates: He's on OK lead, he's a story unit that you're guaranteed to get but is probably the worst option to bring for captains.
  • Monkey D. Luffy Gear Third or Monkey D. Luffy Voyage Dream: Pirate King: These are probably the best units for this fortnight. His STR attack puts a quick end to Pierre and compressing damage into 3 units lets rainbow teams shine with damaging Ganfall at the end.
  • Sabo Revolutionary Army: While we do like the legend, he might not be as great as Ivankov as your health is halved right before the boss. Sabo's damage output is significantly hampered as a result. Consider bringing a healer or something to help mitigate damage loss due to health if you're bringing a Sabo.
  • Trafalgar Law ROOM: There's actually a few Free Spirit units that are DEX and an all Free Spirit DEX squad is achievable if you need to go this route. Consider Miss Doublefinger Human Spike as a sub even though she's not a Free Spirit unit, her attack boost will really help Law and Apoo put in the damage.

Recommended Support Units[]

  • Useful DEX units for a Free Spirit squad.

Recommended Teams[]

Double G3
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0217 F0359F0308F0688F0015 F0217 Thousand Sunny thumb
  • Thousand Sunny MAX
  • 2-3 high levelled characters
  • Usopp for Ganfall
  • Calgara replacable if you Luffys
    can take out Pierre in one turn.

Double Ivankov
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0675 F0434F0462F0688F0015 F0675 Thousand Sunny thumb
  • Thousand Sunny MAX
  • Calgara for Pierre
  • Usopp for Ganfall

F2P Stiker and Free Spirit Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0575 F0324F0030F0550F0569 F0575 Thousand Sunny thumb
  • Thousand Sunny MAX

Free Spirit team options were limited at the time of this fortnight release. The teams below are slow but will absolutely work. As more units are released, consider upgrading the units over these membes

Awkward F2P Free Spirit Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0390 F0324F0424F0569F0462 F0390 Thousand Sunny thumb
  • Thousand Sunny MAX
  • 2-3 high levelled characters
  • Use Foxy on Ganfall
  • Heal after taking a hit from Pierre

F2P Free Spirit Team (super slow but works)
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0688 F0324F0030F0015F0575 F0688 Thousand Sunny thumb
  • Thousand Sunny MAX
  • This team is SUPER slow, but
    works and is accessible.
  • MAX Usopp if you have low level
    units so you can use him twice.
  • Auto-heal highly recommended
  • Use Usopp immediately on Ganfall
  • Use Alvida to absorb second
    hit from Ganfall
  • Tank third hit from Ganfall
  • Stall with Usopp before forth hit
    if he's still alive.

30 Stamina Walkthrough[]


This level seems difficult at first, but most Mid to High-level teams should be able to clear this level without an issue. The trick is making sure you have a way to handle the low health combo into Ganfall transition. Healing, stalling, or mass attack strategies all work.

Stage Strategy Enemy Info
1 Ganfor - 1 Grunts and Evolvers

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern
Grunts -


2 Ganfor - 2 Grunts and Evolvers

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




3 Ganfor - 3 Grunts and Evolvers

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




4 Ganfor - 4 Grunts and Evolvers

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.

Becareful of your stall. Ideally you'd like to only be two off from specials needed for Pierre at this point. You could get the secret stage for stage 5 and only get 1 more stall team so be aware of your pacing.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




5 Ganfor - 5 Grunts and Evolvers

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




6 Ganfor - 6 Pierre

Pierre appears with a few evolvers. If you have multiple specials or ways to deal multiple target damage, you can use one here if it helps you one-shot Pierre.

Else, take out the evolver units first and then focus on Pierre. He has a lot of defense, but it's not worth bringing a defense reduction unit. Try and just increase attack damage to take him out quickly. If you don't, he'll boost his attack and defense by 1.5x under 50% health which can make quick work of you. Use healers and damage reduction units to push through.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


300,000 hp + high defense

Preemptively halves your remaining health (not total health).

Then attacks every two turns for just under 4,000 damage.

Under 50% health, he boosts his attack and defense by 1.5x.

7 Ganfor - 7 Ganfor Sky Knight

Ganfall is pretty simple. The only thing that is tricky is you've probably taken some massive damage in previous stage. If you don't have healers or damage reducers, you must absolutely have a staller or multiple target special to take out the grunts. The Thousand Sunny works just fine for clearing the grunts.

Ganfall's defense boost is a constant number for the first 3 rounds so you'll just have to punch through it. The best way is to use a Calgara and a couple of strong DEX units to finish your attacks. You'll have six turns, 3 with no boosted attack, so it shouldn't be a problem. Additionally, Sadie Impel Down Chief Jailer and The Silver Fox Foxy or Basil Hawkins the Magician pair well to lower Ganfall's defense, however it's at the cost of two slots for your team.

If you must go the defensive route, bring along a MAX special Usopp and Alvida and you can survive for 18 rounds with only one round not having damage reduction. You'll Stall immediately for 7 rounds of attacks. Use Alvida on his first attack for 3 more rounds. Tank a hit and you'll have 3 more rounds. Use Usopp before his next attack for 3 more rounds. Then use Alvida again (if she's MAX'd) for a total of 18 rounds! Yes, a 2x team kind of needs this as he has sooo much armor. If you've lasted this long though... maybe you do need to consider a defense reduction unit like Humming Swordsman Brook because no one wants to fight this long!

While he does cause MASSIVE damage under 20%, he won't attack unless it's his turn. So make sure you take him out or use Usopp to buy time as you beat down his health.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Ganfor Sky Knight

880,000 hp

Preemptively boosts his squad's defense for 3 turns. Loop 1) Changes all orbs to RCV, [TND], and BOMB Loop 2) Nothing Loop 3 Attack for ~7,900 damage.

Under 20% health, he attack for 40,000 damage.

Secret Stage Ganfall - Sec Conis

You don't have to do anything, you'll get healed and she'll drop.

However, beware of your stalling strategy. Since she only gives you 1 turn of stall, she can really screw up a run if you're relying on specials for Pierre.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


0 hp

Conis will heal your squad and then disappear.

Team Builder Helper[]

Free Spirit who are also STR Characters

Free Spirit who are also DEX Characters

Free Spirit Characters with Time Delay

Free Spirit Characters with Orb Boost

Free Spirit Characters with Healing

Free Spirit Characters with Damage Reduction

Free Spirit who are also Defense Reducers
