An event related to the 20th OP anniversary around November 2017 (15 November (19:00 PST) - 29 November (18:59 PST)). Also known as the 20th Anniversairy Straw Hat event/island. It was followed by a second Straw Hat Mission! in December that year. Should not be confused with a much easier, related event, the Showdown! Straw Hat Pirates (which also came in two parts).
It consists of several missions, each more difficult then the first. The next mission unlocks after previous mission is completed. Rewards include turtles, cotton candy, Forbidden Tomes and better books, and gems.
Difficulties 1,3 and 5 stamina are pretty easy and it is recommended you use 1.5x EXP or extra drops captains. 10 stamina is where the difficulty increases and it is similar to 30 or even higher stamina mission. 15 and 20 stamina are VERY difficult.
20 stamina videos:
Double TS Luffy: [1]
- TS Brook, RaidDuval, RaidSabo, Mihawk, 5+ Luffy, GPU (Rocketman)
- TS Brook, RaidDuval, RaidSabo, ColoKinemon, GPU, LegendAkainu (Rocketman)
- TS Brook, LegendKizaru, RaidSabo, LegendZoro, RaidMagellan, GPU (Rocketman)
- TS Brook, LegendKizaru, RaidSabo, LegendLuffy, LegendMagellan, GPU (Rocktman)
- TS Brook, TS Luffy, TS Nami, Duval, 5+ Luffy, Sabo (Rocketman). Requires CD 1 and max special levels on TS Nami Luffy (or CD 2-3 to compensate).
- Sengoku + StoryHannya, YWB, RaidOnigumo, GPU, StoryZoro (Kuja Ship)
- Sengoku+StoryHannya, StoryZoro, StorySmoker, Legend Akainu, GPU (Kuja Ship)