Raid Zoro is coming soon!
I can't wait for the new raid Zoro!
Captain ability: Boosts Slasher and Driven character's ATK by 2.75x and their HP by 1.2x, by 3x after 2 consecutive PERFECTs, by 3.3x after 5 consecutive PERFECTs.
Sailor ability: If this character has a QCK orb and you hit a GOOD or GREAT with him, keep his QCK orb for the next turn
Special: Deals 55x character's ATK in Typeless damage to one enemy that will ignore damage negating abilities and barriers, reduces enemy's Threshold Damage Reduction and Percent Damage Reduction duration by 5 turns. If HP is full at the time the special was activated, boosts the Color Affinity of Slasher and Driven characters by 2x for 1 turn, by 1.75x for 2 turns otherwise
30 -> 15 turns
Stats (w/o Limit break):
HP: 3211
ATK: 147…